Get Sucked In By RoboCo’s Hot New Flame and Vacuum Effects!

Get Sucked In By RoboCo’s Hot New Flame and Vacuum Effects!

Happy Friday, RoboEngineers!

We’re excited to share progress on some of the bigger developments we’ve got in the works soon. For one thing, you may have heard we’re working on robot programming for this cool robot-building sandbox game of ours 😉

But RoboCo development is a blend of ambitious new initiatives and small refinements on existing elements to get the details just right. So with several team members each bringing their talents to various parts of the game, we’d like to zoom in close today and celebrate two of the lovely little updates that make the world of RoboCo a little more believable with each passing week.

Set Fire to the Candle!

Our hottest new changes are the revised flame effects in Silicon Sonata! Our previous flames were a particle effect that was a fairly realistic fluid simulation, and we wanted a more flat, cartoony style to better fit the rest of RoboCo’s art style. Our 3-D Artist Demetri came up with these new flames that fit perfectly in the world of RoboCo!!

Even Wood and Chips benefited from this small redesign. See how happy these humans look now that they’ve got a bright, orange campfire to keep them warm: 

Powerful Cyclone Technology For Superior Suction!

We also updated the vacuum effects. When you increase or decrease the power of your vacuum, the effect now changes in size (i.e. the air is sucked in from a greater surrounding area) and speed. This was a bit of visual feedback that we realized we were missing when it came up in a user test. Check out the example below!

And that’s it for this week’s devblog! Are you as mesmerized by the new flame and vacuum effects as we are? Let us know in the comments below or tag us in Discord or on social media. Don’t forget to tune in next week for a special Valentine’s Day dinner special featuring your favorite RoboCo bots!

For the latest news on RoboCo, follow us on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok! You can also connect with other community members and us by joining our official Discord and Reddit

Don’t forget to add RoboCo to your Steam Wishlist!